And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life
Friday, January 17, 2014
So addicted to Yong Junhyung (용준형) - FLOWER... Been on repeated mode since god know when =oP
Wassalammualaikum wr wb...
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Assalammualaikum wr wb...
Another self-declared non-working day for me yesterday! ! ! LOL. Seriously, I'm super hopeless. Furthermore, yesterday was the official day that I was suppose to take on my new portfolio. A bitter sweet feeling I had. I LOVE my Learning Team to bits and the deep affection I have for everyone makes it hard to let go of such warm and loving people =o( But at the same time, looking forward to the new challenges that awaits me =o) (Though, I really wish I could live as a Tai Tai in the future and just look after my family... hehehehe..)
The reason for my self-declared non-working day was due to my semi-annual eye check-up. All looks good =o) and everything was done in a jiffy =oD Went to visit my cousin and nephew next, while killing time for my appointment.
It was great to be able to see my nephew again. That boy is getting ever so comfortable every time I carried him. "BIASA EH". Maybe I'm just great with kids. LOL. Thanks to my aunt who always reminded me how well I can handle kids. Maybe cause I have 2 little rascals at home. My Lovely Sisters. *HEARTS* It was fortunate that I dropped by my cousin’s place, she sprained the wrist and was having difficulty handling Zahin. At least, I was able to be of some help while I was there.
Now, on to something else that worries/troubles me lately...
It is the process of getting to know new people. Figuring them out and all. I'm well known for being a social butterfly. However in actual fact, I am afraid to socialize. With all the challenges, pit falls and disappointments that Allah S.W.T has put forth in front of me, I am not sure if I can go through another round of it. Simply said, I am afraid of being hurt again and experiencing the downward spiral cycle again. I am grateful for all the experiences I went through for I believe He has better plans for me.
Maybe for now, I shall seek solace in Him for He knows what’s best for His Ummah.
Speaking of the process of getting to know new people, I don’t believe in “multi-tasking” when getting to know people. I prefer to know one person at a time hence, my decision to stop seeing Daniel was the right one. Though, there were occasional exchanges of text messages, I have finally managed to block him out for good as of yesterday afternoon. Thanks to the replacement of my mobile’s motherboard sometime back, I forgot to block him again after receiving my mobile from the repair centre. *As usual, the “sotong”me.*
In all honestly, what really troubles me is someone I just got to know. Alhamdullilah he is not like my other experiences. Yesterday, was the second time we met. (that explains the appointment I was going after visiting my cousin and nephew.. heh!) He even colour coordinated himself to my outfit. Surprised! Hell yes!! I don’t even have the words for it. If people say that I am easily contented. That is true. Some people are unaware of their surroundings that they fail to appreciate such gestures.
He fed me as if I’m a cow. LOL. I mean this in a good and positive way. I think this was due to the fact that I was complaining that I was hungry. =o)
I don’t intend to write too much because I am actually taking up my lunch time for this today. Heh! Throughout the whole evening, he was sweet and attentive. I was uncomfortable with the attention he gave but at the same time was very grateful for it. Uncomfortable because maybe I was scared and also I was already having a headache as I had my first meal of the day close to 4pm. My fault actually for not having something light beforehand. Probably, had too little =o((2 durian puffs & 2 pandan shiffon cupcakes..)
Because I wasn’t feeling comfortable with myself, I was afraid that he might have felt offended. It was very obvious at certain times that he might have felt a little disappointed or offended. He’s expressions and body language says it all. I have been telling myself that he is overly sensitive the past few tele-conversations and text messages but all the more now I know the reason why but my situation yesterday just didn’t help at all being unwell and all.
I really had a great time yesterday though I don’t feel right that he pays for all the food we had. But if I were to mention it, he might be offended by it. So, let it be. But one thing is for sure though, it is more tranquil to be with someone like him because I know for the fact that faith in Him is not an issue.
Like how I ended all my prayers lately, I shall end this entry the same way. "If he is meant for me, my match (jodoh), and that it enables us both to be closer to Him and walk the path He ordained for us. Then, I hope this journey will be smooth sailing. Amin"
A little sharing/guide for us all...
Islam ada menggariskan beberapa ciri-ciri bakal pasangan yang dituntut di dalam Islam. Namun, ia hanyalah panduan dan tiada paksaan untuk mengikut panduan-panduan ini.
Ciri-ciri bakal suami
~ beriman & bertaqwa kepada Allah s.w.t
~ bertanggungjawab terhadap semua benda
~ memiliki akhlak-akhlak yang terpuji
~ berilmu agama agar dapat membimbing bakal isteri dan anak-anak ke jalan yang benar
~ tidak berpenyakit yang berat seperti gila, AIDS dan sebagainya
~ rajin berusaha untuk kebaikan rumahtangga seperti mencari rezeki yang halal untuk kebahagiaan keluarga.
Ciri-ciri bakal isteri
~ beriman & solehah
~ rupa paras yang sedap mata memandang, dapat menyejukkan hati suami
~ memiliki akhlak-akhlak yang terpuji
~ menentukan mas kahwin yang rendah
~ wanita yang subur
~ masih dara
~ berasal dari keturunan yang baik
~ bukan keturunan terdekat
~ tidak memandang harta semata-mata
Wassalammualaikum wr wb...