And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Love is Blind --- Ramzi featuring Ash King

Am I Being Too Nice ?

Assalammualaikum wr wb...

Dad went for a review after his operation on Thursday, 9 June and was told that the operation was a success =o) The pressure to his right eye has decreased. So glad to hear the news.

My Grandma's operation was also a success. Everything seems to be going on great! So, relieved =o)

On Friday, my team and I finally received our "appointment" letter to the ACE Team. Finally, the transition is done. Have been waiting for the change. It's time to face new challenges head on. It would be an exciting half year ahead.

The events mentioned above has nothing to do with the title of this entry Am I Being Too Nice ? but what I'm about to type out, will relate to the title.

Never have I thought I would go through this again. On 10 June, my sister accompany me to send His Royal Highness (HRH) off since he has to be out-stationed until July. I ended work at about 6.30pm. Check out the way to Changi International Airport via Bus from my office. =oP Amazingly, we managed to do so. Took bus 97 from Capital Tower to Pan Pacific. Walk over to Suntec Convention Centre and took 39 from there to CIA. =oP A freaking long journey since we reached CIA only at about 8 plus. It was because we took a few wrong turns looking for the bus stops of the buses.

My sister and I had dinner at Popeyes and walk around T3 for the next few hours. To make everything short, I had a great time with my sister talking and sharing stuffs we both experience with each other.

My mobile phone battery was dying. But HRH was no where to be found. My sister was getting very impatient. I felt like dying because I was running a temperature and was having a terrible headache. Maybe because I haven't eaten the whole day and ate my dinner rather late.

My sister was pissed at me questioning me why was I still so patient and can still text him nicely. It was so unlike me. She was furious because HRH didn't even bother to reply to the texts sent to him. Honestly, I was a little pissed but given the situation, what more can I do? We walked around T3 twice.

My legs felt like giving way. I was wearing my high heels, mind you. Was running a slight fever. T3 was freaking cold and my head was throbbing badly. And I still have to listen to my sister nagging. But I was thankful to have her accompany me.

I'll put it simply. We got stood up by HRH. Tho, I explained to my sister he might have his colleagues or family members with his and that might be his reasons for his actions. She was still pissed. I do understand it when she said that he should at least reply to our texts. But my sister was beyond my control. I think she's helping me vent my anger for me.

No doubt I was pissed but I do not have the heart to be mad at him. Call me stupid. But that's just the way I am. Maybe this is the reason why guys take me for granted. Honestly, I wasn't really pissed until even after we told him we were leaving and still no reply from him. That was when I thought. I've had enough for that day.

All I can say is, "Have a great journey and take care"

Actually, we did saw him from far. But since he didn't reply to our text massages. It would be freaking awkward to just appear right there in front of them right?

Anyways, there's no way we can turn back time. So, be it.

For the next three weeks that he won't be around would be a good time for me to get rid of the HRH habit.

Maybe it's true that if I were to continue to have him around, I would be hurt. It is already very painful right now.

It's time he be happy with what he's doing and me, to stay anonymous.

Wassalammualaikum wr wb....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So Many Things... I'm Going Bonkers =o(

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

I have a list of things in my mind right now...

1) Dad's Eye Operation
2) Grandma's Eye Operation
3) His Royal Highness being out-stationed til July (Dunno why I'm affected by this - WEIRD)
4) Team workload - Ah Boy is overworked and overstressed
5) Moving over to the ACE Team - New Function, New Boss, New Colleagues, New Challenges - am I up for it ? ?
6) School hasn't been going good this semester =o(
7) News of Old Flame getting married - Surprisingly, I don't give a damn but I don't like the comments given by his cousin.. This doesn't affect me as much as item 3 above =o(

Let's elaborate a little...

1) Dad's Operation
Operation was a success this morning. We have to wait for awhile to see its effects, if the nerves pressure is getting any better. If not, I really don't know what's gonna happen. Today was the first time I saw my Dad cried while praying ='o( Hope all will go well. I need all the strength to stay upbeat and positive for the family which I don't know if I can. Who can I rely on ? (if not myself right?) Hopefully I'm strong enough.

2) Grandma's Operation
Grandma's operation is tomorrow. Hopefully, it'll go well too.

3) His Royal Highness being out-stationed til July
Honestly, I dunno why I'm so affected by this. He's just purely a friend right? Am I regretting still keeping in contact with him. I really don't want him to become a habit of mine cause I'm so very afraid of getting hurt again. Heartaches are very hard to recover from. But I do admit he's a little special. Dear heart, please control yourself and not get yourself hurt again... I am so very very afraid I'll get hurt again ='o(

4) Team workload - Ah Boy is overworked and overstressed
I really need to look into the team's workload. Miguel is constantly falling sick. I don't blame him. He is practically running a third of the team. Hang in there for Mummy Indah before your reservist end of this month. I promise to lighten your workload.

Another colleague is draining up my energy with her constant mistakes despite constant reminders. I almost broke down reading her reports last Saturday (Can't imagine I had to come back to work on Saturday and when I checked her reports, I almost died! ! !)

5) Moving over to the ACE Team - New Function, New Boss, New Colleagues, New Challenges - am I up for it ? ?
COME WHAT MAY ! ! No point thinking now. Face the challenges head on. I'm a LEO afterall ! !

6) School hasn't been going good this semester =o(

7) News of Old Flame getting married - Surprisingly, I don't give a damn but I don't like the comments given by his cousin.. This doesn't affect me as much at item 3 above =o(
I can't stop people from talking.. Let her say what she wants. All I can say is that, hopefully he will be happy with his choice and wish them a happy wedded life. Hopefully, he can lead his household responsibly and fairly. GOD BLESS =oP Like mentioned earlier, item 3 is affecting me more.. WHY ! ! !

Will update more about Dad again tomorrow after his appointment with his specialist.

Have a great night everyone. Sweet Dreams =o)

Wassalammualaikum wr wb..