And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Monday, December 14, 2009

Retail Theraphy Anyone ?

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

I so badly need a retail theraphy today.. Actually I wanted to go to the gym today but no company. I think I should try going to the gym on my own. But its never comfortable for me to go venture to such crowded places alone.

Anyways, gym is OUT today. I need retail theraphy. Need to get things for my trip. Argh ! ! So little time so many things to do ! ! As always ! !

Think I'm in badly need for YOGA too. Hehehe =oP

Oh yes ! Guess what ? I suddenly can update this space of mine from the office. For how long I'll have access.. No idea. Hopefully for as long as I need to update my space.

My colleagues / friends are planning for another trip. This time to JB this Friday. Yes ! We shall all take our leave this Friday ! ! hehehe =oP Nothing's firm up yet. After reaching home at 2.00am last Saturday, I doubt I can escape to go JB. Hmmmm.. We'll see.

Right now, all I care for is my RETAIL THERAPHY ! ! Counting down to knock off time.. Yeah Baby ! !

Wassalammualaikum wr wb..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why does it still ache ?

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

Ever since my work place deny access to update my blog online, I've forgotten about this small space of mine. The place that allows me to express things that I can never express to anyone.

Maybe denying access is just an excuse, I just don't feel like writing the past few months. No idea why. Nevertheless, I'm back. Hopefully...

A lot of things happened for the past 8 months or so.. Some good things and some terrible things..

I got a 2nd godson about a month ago. Yeah, Sue had another boy =oP

I went for a little "make-over". Cut my hair real short, did soft rebonding to my hair and even colour it.. hehehe..

I signed-up with Fitness First now long ago.. hahaha..

Work have been great ! Colleagues cum Friends are Fantastic.. We had our first ever trip outside Singapore yesterday to Malacca.. FINALLY ! !

I met him on Monday evening, for the first time after 8 months. He's still the same. The purpose of the meet up was to pass him he's birthday gift. The birthday gift was not just a birthday gift actually.. It's a thank you and an appreciation gift of some sort actually.

I mean, when we were going out early this year, he drives around.. Therefore, petrol cost, ERP charges were incurred and not forgetting he paid for some of my meals too. So, the gift is to make up for the expenses he spent on me. Sounds weird I know but that what I normally do.

I don't regret meeting him again that Monday evening but somehow, its aching all over again. Why does it have to ache again ? So weird.. So strange.. So unbearable..

But life's a long while... Haven't met you yet --> Michael Buble

Wassalammualaikum wr wb...

Laws of Love

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

Listen! The law says that if you kill someone, you must be punished. But murder begins in the heart -- when you are angry or jealous, or hate someone. If you are really going to keep God's law, you must deal with the bad feelings inside you, not just with the crime of murder. God's laws teach us to love him and to love one another, not simply to keep a set of rules. We must obey God from the heart.

The rules say that you must not be unfaithful to your marriage partner and if you want a divorce you must sign the right papers. But God made marriage to last a lifetime. He wants couples to be loving and faithful to each other, without even looking longingly at someone else's partner.

You have been told that as long as you love your friends, it's all right to hate your enemies. But the law of love says, "Be kind to your enemies too". You see, if you are going to take your place in heaven, you must behave in the way that God pleases. God sends sun and rain for everyone -- good and bad alike! He gives his good gifts to those who don't deserve them, as well as those who do. You should be like God -- loving and giving. It's the generous, open-handed people who will themselves receive happiness and love.

"Don't criticize others. Imagine someone with a big plank of wood stuck in his eye offering to remove a tiny speck from someone else. No one is so free of faults that he can see straight enough to put others right.

On a separate note,

"Don't blame anyone, never complain of anyone or anything

Because basically you have made of your life what you wanted.

Accept the difficulties of edifying yourself

And the worth of starting to correct your character.

The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of his mistakes.

Never complain of your loneliness or your luck.

Face it with courage and accept it.

Wa'alaikumsalam wr wb...