And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Friday, February 28, 2014


Assalammualaikum wr wb...

It has only been a month since I moved into a new team (HR Team). At this moment, I seriously miss my Learning Team. The warm, sensible, funny and caring team. The cohesiveness of the Learning Team is greatly missed.

HR Team is a pain in my @ss at the moment. One have no respect for her colleagues. I am not even asking her to respect me as her direct supervisor but I'm just asking her to respect me as her colleague or the very least, respect me as a fellow human being!!!

From now on, for every time you apologize to me for having screamed at me, you will NOT be forgiven. The value for the words, "I'm Sorry" that comes from your mouth is worthless. The words seems "cheap" to me. There's no sincerity in your words; in your apology. After every single time you screamed at your Team Leads, you will apologize after that. For your information, YOU DO NOT REPEAT YOUR MISTAKES AFTER APOLOGIZING GAZILLION TIMES. IT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF APOLOGIZING.

You will no longer be receiving the warmth and kindness that this dormant LEO is capable of giving but instead, you will be receiving this LEO's wrath, for stepping on her tail. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ! (cause you will need it)

I've been tolerant long enough to be at the receiving end of all the screaming/arguments/dissatisfactions from people around me. But, I'm only human and I've had enough... It doesn't pay to be nice to the people we care..

Wassalammualaikum wr wb...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Simple reason for being quiet and prefer to listen and observe...

Kenapa diam?? As my dad always says it's better to talk less and observe.. Patience is a virtue... Because fire and fire will burn down the building... When one is the burning fire its best that the other be the cooling water..  We should balance and complete each other.. not kill and ridicule each other.. But than again, since the start of the year to now... With just only after 5 meet ups..  I just realised that I've cried more than I smiled or laughed..  I afterall lack empathy.. The 3 days spent with me already "jemu".. So I guess I can't seem to please his heart..  When almost everything that comes out from his mouth was cutting through my heart like a razor sharp knife.. But den again, I lack empathy right? Maybe my heart is made out of a rock.. It doesn't feel anything when thrown at or stepped on...  Nevermind... Everyone has their "ideal" type...  If judging from my "ideal" criteria when looking for a Khalifah that Insya'Allah can lead me and our future children to Jannah... What will my choice be?? 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some Things I've Been Thinking About....

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ruined Weekend

Thanks to an irresponsible person, my peaceful  weekend turned into a nightmarish rush to complete my assignment as this person decided to drop the module and refused to complete her portion of the assignment.

Am on another day of MC cause I was having migraine since Saturday evening.

Thankfully tho,  the assignment was completed early and submitted immediately. Alhamdulillah.

But my head is still throbbing and it's payroll week!! God, please give me the strength...