And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Monday, March 22, 2010

Was I Wrong In Doing So ? But Why Do I Feel So Uneasy ?

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

I wasn't able to sleep well last night as I was missing him. I don't know the real reason why he is constantly on my mind despite what he told me a few weeks back. I should be healing by now but I guess some things even time couldn't heal it immediately. Especially, matters concerning our heart.

Even after all the shit I've been through all these years, I thought I was mentally and emotionally strong. But I guess, I was wrong. I am still a wreck. Sometimes, its just so difficult to put up a brave front. I'm tried of forcing a smile, forcing a laughter at work and at home.

Maybe I should have never contacted him at all the end of last year. Should have not replied to he's MSN asking how I was. But I couldn't. Its not my nature to ignore my friends.

I really appreciate and treasure the time we spent together. Just seeing him enjoy he's favourite food was simply a bliss. Just listening to him rattle about he's car tho I don't really know much about cars was like music to my ears. All the teases. All the laughters. Even all he's complains about ERP, other drivers or he's work was a pleasure to listen too.

I think I did the unthinkable last night when I couldn't sleep. I texted him. My last text to him, "Hey D*****, I guess this is gonna be my last text to you. Reason being every time I text my gf, D**** or D****, I'll accidentally select your name or honestly.. it is just paining seeing your name in my mobile. So, I guess you know where I'm getting at. Here's wishing you all the very best for everything in your life and hope everything will fall in place nicely for you as you wished for. I would also like to apologise for things that I've said and done or not said and not done that might have hurt your feelings from the very first time we know each other. Thank you for everything all these while. If ever there comes a time you need some1 to talk too or a listening ear, you know how to find me. I'm all ears. Take Care yah.."

I thought I was gonna feel better after sending the text but to my surprise, I was actually crying my heart's out ! ! He replied, "? Wats wrong with ya ?"

And I leave it as that and cried myself to sleep.

I don't know if what I did was right ? But I think there's a need for closure since he's involved with someone else right ? Be it one sided or not I can't possibly torture myself and let it be just like that.

I decided on the action because when a friend asked me if we are still friends, D***** and me, I honestly don't have the answer to that question. Is it friendship, when a friend doesn't reply to you texts ? Is it friendship in both our situation ? I don't know ? I don't even know if he considers me his friend. Maybe I'm just a consultant. He calls when he needs tips for he's interviews. He calls and meet up when he needs me to view he's resume or proposal. We sounded more like a business associate than a friend. Don't we ? Maybe I am not thinking clear ? And maybe I should stop analyzing and thinking ?

All I can think of right now, is cry myself to sleep again. I don't know how to tell him all this or whether I should let him know all this... I just wish someone could help me convey to him that he is taking too much of my brain juice, too much space in my heart, too much of my time and definitely too much of my energy =o(

Wassalammualaikum wr wb..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What A Mess ! !

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

The pass few months have been a real mess and a wreck. First was with regards to work. Then, my personal life. A real roller coaster ride. Okay, as I've always mentioned. Without such issues, life would be boring and meaningless. But with too many of such issues, my head "berserabut" you know ?

I've been dragging myself to work lately. YES ! Cab rides every single morning to CBD area. I must have been NUTS ! Can't seem to find the fault, the motivation, the fire that I used to have for my work. It's gone missing. Everything seems different. My team members are different. The environment is different. Everything is different. I'm loosing focus at work. And it has nothing to do with my personal life. Its just that as usual, the office WALLS HAVE EARS AND MOUTHS. Don't know who I can trust no more =o(

As for my personal life.. Its too complicated to be shared here. Anyways, due to it. I decided to continue my studies without even planning my finances. Clever right ? ! I know... As usual, wasn't being rational I guess. But that's how I force myself into doing things that I've longed delayed. So, yeah.. Some says its a blessing in disguise.

Honestly, there's loads of "bad vibes" I wanna clear inside of me. But would rather not type it here or I'll start another issue with people and would get unwanted problems or attention. So, maybe I should get myself a confidente. But its hard to find people you can trust these days.

Why are people so self centered these days ? No one cares for each other no more. Trust is a thing of the past. So is care and concern and respect for each other. =o(

The one and only BEST confidente is HE who is up there. Who is always there for us. Only in HIM I can confide.


Wassalammualaikum wr wb...