And this is my beautiful life
The only thing certain is everything changes
The lows and the highs
And all those goodbyes
As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing
To be alive
It's a beautiful life


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Personality..

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

Result oriented and strong minded. Will start a job and continue until it is completed, and completed well. Am an individualist and find my own way in life.

Tend to be curious and interested in everything. Also lean to have many hobbies. If am interested in something, will be buoyant, but unfortunately will be bored fast. However, can choose the most important thing for myself to do.

Lean to want to be number one in anything rather than just to be average people. But, usually ignore another activity if I have focused on a certain activity. In other words, cannot do some activities at the same time.

May look cheerful, enthusiastic, and bright. But, am actually not like my appearance. Indeed, am antisocial with many people. Am a rugged individualist who are straightforward and like to do things my own way. Unluckily, my insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and becomes a weakness.

Wassalammualaikum wr wb..
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I No Longer Have Freedom of Speech and Expression

Assalammualaikum wr wb..

It is amazing that in this modern world of Facebook and Twitter, we are given less and less freedom of speech and expression. I was told again to remove my FB status and MSN status. I'm beginning to feel suffocated by these people. But it is okay. I can't wait to "move out" on 1 April. Badly needed the new move.

Although the future seems uncertain, I may fall into a pit hole but I would rather "move" from my current S*** hole to another. Since day one the new 머리 joined us. I never liked 그녀의. I just don't have a very good vibe about 그녀의 and true enough, I was super right. 여자 did mentioned about me to someone before but I kept my cool. 여자 is such a 계집 ! !

I seriously can't wait for 1 April. Cause by then, I'll manage to 없애 버려 my current and previous 조수 머리.

I'm so tired of pleasing people. You want out. I say stay for a little longer but no, two of them got to move out. When I got to hand over one person out, they took one of the best. But when they want to pass over to me?? They give me . And I am suppose to accept openly and happily ? Give me a break ! ! Naturally, everyone wants what is best for them. They are just using this opportunity to move that person out. Oh please.. It is super obvious ! ! Sigh !

Right now, I don't give a 젠장 about other peoples' feelings. My feelings comes first. I wasted too much of energy, brain power and emotions on such 무정한 명. It's time I think of myself. I've been getting migraines ever too frequently. And my recent trip to the doctor last week told me that he can see that I'm suffering from exhaustion and minor depression. Do people know about this ? No they don't. They care only about themselves.

Time to please myself... The last time I check with my doctor last week, he said that I'm over stressed with work and school and I've got mild depression..

Someone is sure to ask me to bring this down when they sees this.. There goes my freedom of expression...

Wassalammualaikum wr wb...