Assalammualaikum wr wb..As usual, went for my evening walk to think about things. Two things mainly today.
1) About yesterday's statement - "Why God create differences when he has the power to make everything the same ?"
2) A sadist friend that I face today
With regards to the first thought, I think we should thank God that he didn't use His power to create all things the same. Because if He did, then this world will be in one tone, in one color, so boring, so dull and no challenge.
The problem is how we can appreciate and see the differences as a beauty instead of problems, barriers, issues or hindrance, etc.
I do admire the differences in races, religions, cultures and practices. We should think it, feel it and embrace it.
Anyways, I am who I am, you are who you are and we are who we are. Its not fair to get people to change for our sake or we are going lose the real us.
Last but not least, some things in life are just not meant to be explained.
Now, onto the second thought. Yes, you still got the vibe about us. But I don't. Yes you guessed right that something took place in the last few days. But I can't imagine my friend turned up at my void deck this evening waiting for me to return from work just simply to say, "I told you so". I can see that you are delighted with what happened.
And I TOTALLY DISAGREE with you when you said that he's a coward and not willing to face the challenges of the differences between him and me. There's always two faces to a coin.
He's being honest and not drag things till the very end or both will be deeply hurt. Its better cleared earlier and later. Though it hurts and still does, I can still live with it. Thanks to my parents' upbringing of instilling me with qualities such as patience and sincerity. I've developed thankfully strong endurance due to the past events in my life and appreciate the patience and sincerity that I've developed deeply.
Besides being honest, it can be seen that he has put in thoughts into the whole issue. Who said he didn't put in any effort towards the issue ? If he doesn't, he wouldn't have thought about it at all and come to such a decision.
As for me, we'll see. The doors are never closed. People change. But I won't pin on any hopes at all as I'm tired of the whole cycle. Very tired. The whole cycle just drain me out mentally, physically and emotionally. I think I've had enough of it.
To that sadist friend of mine, as long as you're happy, I couldn't be bothered with you anymore.
Wassalammualaikum wr wb